
29 November 2008

face cupcakes

So many faces...

I recall that when I was much younger I used to exhibit at least a little artistic streak to all my works. Whether it be a childlike drawing, a murry of colors and shadings, or flouncing about on my imaginary stage pretending to be superstar belting out song after song. Whether it was a hit or painful tune, I don't know now.

But somewhere down the line, all these little 'artistic expressions' just vanished into thin air... Perhaps you could attribute it to the regiments of the Singapore education system. Or perhaps it was my single bad experience (read: major flop!) with my acquaintance with the piano. It wasn't long before reaching age of adolescence that it was clear that there wasn't an ounce of artistic spirit left in me; in fact, with all traces wiped out, it appeared as if they weren't ever there from the start. Life went on, and with my new embracement of the sciences and math, I left the past in the dirt. Satisfied with the thought that I would never have to return to it again.

However, life with its many twists and awakward turns somehow lead me through a whole junkyard of battles in the jungle, conflicts with flight mechanics and then back into the arms of art once more. Baking with its uncomplexed beauty rose to a high status. And there you were, I was once again doing things I had never done again for a long time. My artistic soul rusty but rearing to go...

Had an order for some customised face cupcakes for a bunch of her frens. Best of all, I felt very involved trying to piece together a potrait of their faces thru a string of descriptive words; braces, thick eyeliner, botak, red cheeks, small eyes, braids, pouty lips. You name it and tried to recreate it. A fun experience thoroughly.

Hope that they will like it.


local play: the office party beckons and trip to malaysia! Woots!


  1. Wow, these are indeed adorable.

    I can understand the bad experience with piano... Geez... Those exams days were such a nightmare...

    Btw, have you finished your exams? Evan can't wait to drop by Nectarie... haha...

  2. those cupcakes look so damn adorable!


  3. yeh. i totally hate the piano man.. all those dreaded practise sessions. Anyway. yay! we're going down next tues. Can't wait to see u girls!

  4. wow wow. how you make all those portraits one? must have took u quite some time?

  5. Those cupcakes are freakin cute! Great job!

  6. These are too cute! I love the girl with the ribbon in her hair. You must've spent quite some time to do it so meticulously!

  7. LIC: i used fondant! haha. yeh.. it did take a substantial amount of time but they were so much fun!

    Kimberly: thanks dear!

    Ovenhaven: thanks *grinz* I loved her the most too. prettiest of the lot. hehe. They did take loads of work though. Wished I had nimbler fingers though. haha.

  8. Those are just the cutest things ever! I'll bet the recipient was thrilled.

    I think you still have your artistic streak, don't worry :)

  9. These are too cute to be eaten! Salute u for the patience and effort. :)
