thoughts of the simple-minded

Simple minded thoughts

How often do we actually evaluate our thoughts on a daily basis? For example, what goes through our mind as we step out of the house? see a cute chick/dude in the mrt? walk down the street?... our thoughts can be so silly and shallow sometimes.. . It can be kinda amusing and sometimes extremely enlightening to take a step back and reflect on those thoughts. haha...

so here's a list of reallie simple-minded thoughts that i generated during a short train ride yesterday.

(situation: the train was travelling underground and revibrations in the tunnel made the noise level excrutiating)
" those women have to shout. Whats the point of talking if the noise level is so high? might as well save the effort for a easier conversation when the train comes to a stop right? silly"

"woah.. that gurl has nice legs. Pity she doesn't knoe how to dress to show her pins off. Hmph, I wonder why do i only knoe how how to criticise others... perhaps its easier from a third person's point of view. Well..its not like i have nice legs to flaunt. Maybe i'm just jealous *sniggers*"

(situation: coming out of the tunnel)
"oh my gosh! the mini cooper is damm cute lar! i wan one for my own!"

"wah..China man in front of me.. Bai3-ing pose.. So gross."

"why tt ang moh guy have to tok so loud? its not like he's the only one in the carriage?"

So as u can see i am enlightened.. all my thought are generally CRAP!!! Conclusion: my brain is mash.

THank you.

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