I was weak and you were strong

A world inside of me

Written by: Sihan

Time passed – A rebel storm-blast scattered.
My head, a tangled mass of vine and rubble.
A world left behind
Abandoned, torn by strong winds and the merciless sun .

Tall mighty statues,
Testament of it’s once glorified past.
Now stand half buried in the sands,
Disfigured, weathered,

There are those who look upon this world.
They have hopes of salvaging it.
Restoring it to the state that it once was.
But the world shuns them
The unpredictable weather, as though a beast,
Raging its fury upon those who dare to venture near.

Then as the exhausted combatants turn their backs on this world
Once again,
It calms down
The lonely sand dunes speaks of its pain
The drifting winds tell the secrets of its innermost feelings.
Thoughts of a world that has been left behind,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You are stronger than you think you are.