all things tropical

Tropic rains...

Another new creation pops outta the oven! This time all with the help of my baby Zhiheng. We had ultra fun sitting in front of the tv measuring out the fillings and then wrapping each individual layer into the next one. These look so much like mini- hulks(you know the cartoon charater?) after wrapping the fried coconut innards into the pandan lotus paste.

all things tropical

As for the name, 'All things Tropical' mooncakes. I guess its just that most of the flavors and ingredients put to use here are incredibly symbolic of asian heritage with a touch of tropical wave. Think fried pandan flavored dessicated coconut with toasted melon seeds enveloped in pandan lotus paste in a traditional mooncake. Sounds delicious doesn't it? Not to mention, the gorgeous neon green innards look incredibly enticing!

all things tropical1

This recipe adapted from Mooncakes by Alan Ooi called for a little more work frying the coconut but with a few shortcuts (also due to a few shortage in ingredients), things weren't so difficult after all. Another plus point? my babe made a great weighing station manager... some strange abilities for grasping estimation really well. haha.

I know this post came in a little late. But if you guys are still interested in trying out these mooncakes. Do give the recipe below a go! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Just a suggestion, you could always a different food coloring to the fried coconut to maybe bring out some color contrast. *smilez*


'All things Tropical' Mooncakes

adapted from Mooncakes by Alan Ooi

Ingredients for filling ( i used a 63g mini mooncake mould so i scaled the fillings to 40g each)

  • 18g cooking oil
  • 30ml milk
  • 36g caster sugar
  • 90g dessicated coconut
  • 1/2 tsp pandan paste
  • 9g melon seeds(roasted)
  • 20g koh fun
  • 200g white lotus paste


  1. Place cooking oil in frying pan to heat
  2. Add in coconut, milk, pandan paste and sugar and fry till dry. Add in toasted melon seeds and koh fun. Remove to cool and divide into 20g portions. Shape round.
  3. Divide the White lotus paste into 20g portions and shape round.
  4. Flatten the white lotus paste and wrap the coconut filling. Shape round.

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