Language of a bemused mind


Once again, a random dosage of raw emotions. If you're wondering what the hell that means? It spells c-o-n-f-u-s-i-o-n. But what a beautiful mess it is. Answers, I need those, yet living in this blissful bubble draws me in. Who am I kidding? Someone's going to get hurt in the end. Sooner or later? Let me drown in my ruminations.


Some snippets of greenery from around home to appease the part of me that yearns for tufts of nature here in a desert spanned landscape. The weather has been most cruel here in Dubai, displaying drastic mood swings that manifest in heavy showers followed by days of wicked sandstorms. Sometimes the predictability of humid weather accompanied by looming grey clouds can be a little comforting.

A brief recollection of a sudden question targeted at my mum during the course of a lovely lunch at Dozo, brings more quiet reflections. "Where does she see me 10 years down the row?" I asked her, in a most casual manner possible. She replied without much of a doubt, "married, with children and still travelling the globe." Delibrating her answer now, I realize that the people around me have come to terms with my preferred nomadic style of living. With no inkling of what God may have installed for me in his tetris setting, I approach a subject only to be twisted and swopped at the last minute. I embrace this aspect of life though, slowly building a keen attachment to the quick step. Still, at this juncture, I question my wants and needs, at the end of it all, I am still left with a blank slate of mind. Yet now, faced with a peculiar burst of sunshine that has left me a bit blind sided, my heart sings a happy tune. Whoever or whatever you are, I love you.


Right now, I'm just contented working out the mysteries of the gas oven which has left us bewildered upon our previous attempt at macarons. This time it worked!!! Little pockets of sunshine... my lemon poppy seed macarons. *nom nom*

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