Never let me go

Never let me go: a wonderfully heart wrenching film on the fragilities of life. Touching on several controversial issues such as cloning and the personal development of these life forms. Here, we often underestimate the human capabilities to accept changing circumstances, to adapt. Then we neglect human experiences, only in the face of a dwindling life span do we fight for every experience, to feel, to touch to understand. A wonderful projection of the power of human emotion and mind. A lesson to all of us that life's to short to hold grudges nor deny the simple beauties of life that stand before us. Grasp it.

At the end of the movie, Kathy H questions the values of the lives of the people she saves versus the donors and ends of by saying "We all complete. Maybe none of us really understand what we've lived through, or feel we've had enough time."

How true.

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