Gimme More! How else to please a bunch of grown ups stuck in an office with frigid cold temperatures and nothing but strong,black and almost repulsive coffee; than to bake a something a little pleasant. nothing beats a tinge of color and a sprinkling of multi-coloured jimmies to make someone smile. No wonder it wasn't long after i placed the cake bell on the pantry counter tt the entire collection was evacuated.
This time i turned on a easy recipe and used the remainder of ingredients that i had left in my pathetic pantry to spice it up a little. so what goes with banana cake? nutmeg and cinnammon of course. well, how about frosting? cream cheese tinted with vanilla? or chocolate frosting? hmph. tough choice.. so why not both? haha. thus explaining the strange heritage of my tiny dessert that carry forths a latitude of flavors so rich and indulgent. Spiced Banana cake topped with a layer of rich chocolate ganache and finally with a dallop of vanilla cream cheese frosting and showered with jimmies; color to bring out the child in you. how delightful. what's more.. they tasted gorgeous. as complimented by the various colleagues who even admitted to the temptation to take seconds (had i not stated to 'pls take one' on the note i left on the table; i didn't mean tt intentionally of course. hah). But it was good seeing grown man going gaga over their sweet things.
tee hee, don't blame me for the multiple shots yar. i just can't help myself! furthermore, i think an overdose of sugar-high would be good since I'll be taking my leave to Tioman Malaysia for the next 3 days. *woots*. lets pray i dun return with anymore sandfly bites and of course return with lots more gorgeous pictures!
Last but not least, this is an order by a nice lady for her ex colleagues at amex wishing them a happy easter day which is this coming Sunday. Now people,not to be wet blankets of anything but lets all take the time to commemorate Jesus's death on the cross for his undying love for sinners like us. And that our sins be washed away because of his innocent death. think about it... tts the real essence of easter day. and not some fluffy bunnies and candy colored eggs. Just to make matters straight yar. orite. I'll take my leave from here. all u guys please enjoy the long weekend! *cheers*
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