Wholemeal Loaf

A lil' under the weather

Finally, I've hailed to my sickness. My mouth blisters with emerging ulcers. the most painful ones being the two enormous ones at the sides of my tongue. The pain is so realistically tortorous that it sends reverbrations throughout my whole body. My nose leaks like a tap; my eyes are puffy. Fever reeks thru my entire body...

After two meals of porridge and a whole day of slothing around the home, i resorted to drastic measures to get rid of the pain. First, rub salt vigourously on my ulcers. The pain was like searing fire, and as i gripped the edge of the bathroom sink, i cried tears of laughter, a reverse reaction to the hurt i was feeling. Secondly, i took to baking bread to get my mind off the discomfort that lingered in my physical body.

I decided upon a wholemeal bread recipe that i came across in Grace's Kitchen Corner (for recipe please click on the link). A perfect opportunity to use the new bag of top grade wholemeal flour that i had bought the previous time. I made a slight alteration to up the wheat content in the bread from the recommanded recipe which was only 10% wholemeal bread.

This recipe called for a little more patience. with 20mins to relax the dough, another 60mins or so to allow for poofing and an extra amount of time for manual kneading of the dough. But that was what i needed at the moment, a little something to ease the pain. Hence i had no qualms or complaints.

The end result, a lovely aromatic loaf of bread that was beautifully moist and soft in the middle. According to Auntie Nora, it was better than the commercial loaves of wholemeal bread as there were less preservatives. The bread remained soft till the next day where the loaf was then completely consumed by the family. ( told you our family had an impossibly high bread consumption needs).

Will definitely be putting this recipe into my 'frequent bakes' section.


Jaime said...

that's some beautiful bread!

Shelby said...

The bread looks delicious!